2024 بوليستار ٣

تاريخ النشر April 14, 2024

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Polestar, the trailblazing electric vehicle manufacturer, has reached a significant milestone in its journey towards global expansion and innovation. With the commencement of production for the Polestar 3 in Chengdu, China, and the successful completion of early test series in the United States, Polestar is solidifying its position as a leader in sustainable mobility. Thomas Ingenlath, the visionary CEO of Polestar, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “This stunning car takes a significant step forward with start of production marking an important milestone on our journey from a one- to three-car company this year. We have also achieved launch readiness at the factory in Ridgeville, South Carolina, and are well on track with our plans to start manufacturing Polestar 3 in the USA.” The Polestar 3 represents a leap forward in the brand's commitment to innovation and sustainability. As the first Polestar model to be produced on two continents, it symbolizes the company's ambitious growth plans across North America, Europe, and Asia. This strategic decision not only enhances Polestar's global presence but also ensures greater accessibility for consumers worldwide.

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