Pioneering Technology and Design
With its striking SUV silhouette and refined e-tron design language, the Audi Q6 e-tron exudes sophistication and strength. The meticulously crafted exterior, characterized by dynamic lines and contours, showcases Audi's commitment to design excellence. From the iconic Singleframe grille to the sleek LED lighting signatures, every detail reflects Audi's unwavering dedication to aesthetics and aerodynamics.
Underneath its captivating exterior, the Audi Q6 e-tron boasts exceptional performance capabilities powered by a state-of-the-art electric drivetrain. Equipped with powerful electric motors and an advanced lithium-ion battery, the Q6 e-tron delivers an exhilarating driving experience with a system output of up to 380 kW. With a range of up to 625 kilometers on a single charge, this electric SUV ensures long-distance journeys without compromising on performance.
Elevated Driving Experience
The Audi Q6 e-tron also introduces groundbreaking features like the Augmented Reality Head-Up Display and the Audi Assistant with AI support, enhancing connectivity and convenience for the driver. With Android Automotive OS powering the infotainment system, users can access a wide range of apps and services, ensuring a seamless digital experience on the go.
As Audi embarks on its journey towards a sustainable future, the Audi Q6 e-tron represents a bold step forward in the transition to electric mobility. With its innovative technology, exceptional performance, and visionary design, the Q6 e-tron paves the way for a new era of premium electric vehicles. Experience the future of mobility with the Audi Q6 e-tron, where progress meets passion, and sustainability meets sophistication.
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