Beginning May 1st, prospective buyers can revel in the opportunity to secure up to 10 grams of gold with every purchase of select Mitsubishi vehicles. This enticing incentive, coupled with zero down payment and complimentary registration, presents an irresistible proposition for those seeking to elevate their driving experience.
Furthermore, Al Habtoor Motors reaffirms its commitment to customer satisfaction by extending an extensive warranty of five years or 150,000 kilometers upon purchase of these select models. This gesture underscores the company's dedication to providing unparalleled after-sales support and fostering long-term relationships with its clientele.
With these enticing offers tailored for all, Al Habtoor Motors invites UAE residents to seize the opportunity and embark on a journey of luxury and savings. Whether it's the versatile Xpander, the agile ASX, the adventurous Outlander, or the rugged Montero Sport, there's a Mitsubishi model to suit every preference and lifestyle.
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