The Lamborghini Arena, a monumental gathering marking a historic milestone for the Sant’Agata Bolognese brand, provided the perfect stage for the debut of the Revuelto. Set against the backdrop of the iconic Imola Circuit on April 6 and 7, this bespoke marvel stole the spotlight, showcasing the unparalleled craftsmanship and innovation synonymous with the Lamborghini name.
The racing-inspired aesthetic is further accentuated by Nero Noctis (black) racing stripes crisscrossing the hood, underscoring the Revuelto's performance pedigree. High-gloss exposed carbon fiber elements, including the roof, rear "cofango," spoiler, and air intakes, imbue the car with a captivating sheen, complemented by 21-inch (front) and 22-inch (rear) high-gloss black Altanero alloy wheels.
Underneath its captivating exterior lies the beating heart of a true thoroughbred: the first-of-its-kind Revuelto. Unveiled in March 2023, this V12 hybrid plug-in super sports HPEV combines a 6.5-liter naturally aspirated V12 mid-engine with three electric motors, delivering a staggering 1015 CV of power and 725 Nm of torque. With a top speed surpassing 350 km/h and a blistering 0-100 km/h acceleration time of just 2.5 seconds, the Revuelto exemplifies the pinnacle of automotive performance and innovation.
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Experience the World of Lamborghini on Auto Trader UAE
Whether you dream of owning a one-of-a-kind masterpiece like this Revuelto or exploring the vast array of Lamborghini models available, Auto Trader UAE is your ultimate resource. Visit our website to browse new and pre-owned Lamborghini listings from trusted dealerships across Dubai.